Easy Cumin Spiced Carrots

Do you need a good seasoning for carrots? Cumin is a perfect ingredient to season carrots with! It has a nice sweetness that goes well with sweet root vegetables. But the combination of cumin and the other ingredients go so well together.

This recipe is super easy and I’m going to share two ways to cook the carrots with this seasoning. One way of cooking the carrots will be roasting and the other way will be steaming. I like both ways, but I think I slightly prefer them roasted. 

If you don’t want to just cook the carrots and want another vegetable too, beets are a great addition! If you want more, then there are a whole bunch of different root vegetables! 

Now on to the recipe:


1 lb of carrots ( about 5-6 whole carrots), thinly sliced

1 tsp garlic powder

1 tsp onion powder

1 tsp salt

½ tsp pepper

1 ½ tsp cumin


Roasted Carrots

Preheat the oven to 400 degrees and take out a large cookie sheet with sides

In a bowl, toss the sliced carrots with your choice oil, and all the seasonings. Mix until all coated.

Spread across the cookie sheet and cover with tin foil. 

Put the cookie sheet into the oven and cook for 10 minutes. Uncover the pan and cook another 10 minutes or until you can easily poke with a fork.


Steamed carrots

On medium heat and in a large skillet that fits a cover, add enough oil to coat the pan. Add the carrots and let cook for 1-2 minutes. Add water, just enough to cover the bottom of the pan.

Put the cover on the pan and steam for 10-15 minutes. Check once in a while, give it a stir. Once you can poke a fork in easily, they are done! 

If there is extra water when the carrots are done, put it on high heat and stir for the water to evaporate. I don’t like to dump the extra water, because a lot of the seasonings are in there.

What can I serve this with?

I love to serve these carrots with either baked chicken with rice or mashed potatoes or saucy meatballs! I think they go well with both kinds of meat.

You could also make it into a more stir-fry kind of dish and add all kinds of vegetables and meat!

There you have it! Two super easy ways to cook these carrots with the perfect seasonings! 

Let me know how you like it and if you made it.




  1. Anne Taylor

    So healthy!! So yummy!! Thank you! Cumin is my favorite spice in taco meat.

    • beckyskitchencorner

      Same! Love cumin when I make tacos 🙂

  2. Anne Taylor

    It is me, again. I also make a lemon and red lentil soup with carrots and cumin in it. It just all goes so well together. There is also Cilantro in the soup. Do you think cilantro would taste good on these carrots?

    • beckyskitchencorner

      I’ve never had red lentils, maybe I’ll try a soup recipe this coming fall/winter.
      I’m not sure about the cilantro. I don’t have it very often, but you can always try and report back! 🙂


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Welcome to Becky’s Kitchen Corner! I am so happy to see that you are here today. My name is Rebekah, but around here I’m known as Becky. I love to be in the kitchen, cooking and baking up a storm. Though, I don’t like cleaning up the storm as much, ha!

I’m from Pittsburgh and now living in a much sunnier state of North Carolina. I am the youngest of 8 kids and so growing up, I had lots of people to eat up my baked goodies.

 In the daytime, I work as a nanny for my sister and brother-in-law to care for my adorable, silly nephew.

Read more –>  https://beckyskitchencorner.com/about-mee/



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