Delicious Recipes for Leftover Chicken

Imagine, you have a whole bunch of leftover chicken from previous nights. Or you buy a rotisserie chicken and have only used half of it. You don’t want to throw it away, but you also don’t have any idea what to do with it. 

Here, I have some of my favorite recipes to use leftover chicken with! Some are easier than others, but they are all delicious and worth making. Something similar to all of these recipes is that they include lots of cheese! Cheese makes everything better. So, if you’re a cheese lover like me, stick around. If you aren’t stick around and try something new!

First (and personally my favorite), Butternut Squash Risotto! In the original recipe, it doesn’t call for any meat but it’s an extremely easy dish to add chicken to. When you add the squash, you would also add the chicken.

Second is another more time-consuming, but is so delicious and is worth the work!

Third, are these skillet Scallop Potatoes! If you love cheese, you’ll love these and must make them! They have a cheese sauce, shredded cheese layered between, and then lots on top, nom!

Fourth doesn’t look appetizing(I’ve been working on new photos!), but it’s easy and quite delicious! Cheesy Chicken Parmesan Crockpot Style. The original recipe calls for chicken thighs, but you can use leftover chicken instead. About 3-4 cups, or however much you want.

Fifth and last, is a Simple One-Pot Chicken Rice, with cheese of course. For a phase, I made this almost every week, so easy and delicious. It’s a very simple recipe and has a lot of wiggle room to make the recipe even better!

There you have it! Five delicious recipes to make or put on your “to make list”. Have you made any of these? If not and you do, be sure to let me know on either here, or my social media

~Becky 🙂




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About Me

Welcome to Becky’s Kitchen Corner! I am so happy to see that you are here today. My name is Rebekah, but around here I’m known as Becky. I love to be in the kitchen, cooking and baking up a storm. Though, I don’t like cleaning up the storm as much, ha!

I’m from Pittsburgh and now living in a much sunnier state of North Carolina. I am the youngest of 8 kids and so growing up, I had lots of people to eat up my baked goodies.

 In the daytime, I work as a nanny for my sister and brother-in-law to care for my adorable, silly nephew.




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