Easy, Delicious, Chicken Alfredo Stuffed Shells

These Easy and Delicious Chicken Alfredo Stuffed Shells are a great meal! This recipe isn’t too hard but will take an extra ounce of effort. This recipe is more for a laid-back night vs. a quick meal.

That cheese!

One night when I was cooking dinner, somethingthing dawned on me. I could make alfredo sauce and put it in jumbo shells, making a different version of stuffed shells. I was so excited, that I wrote down my ideas and thought about how I’d make it. I looked it up on google, and not many results came up, which was great!

How can I make this meal more nutritional?

You could add some protein like chicken or beef to the sauce. Then a veggie like spinach would go well too! When I first made this, I added ground beef, which was delicious! I don’t know about you, but I love this all-in-one kind of meal, with starch, meat, and veggie!

Assembling the Shells

When filling the shells, I did 1-2 tablespoons of sauce and piled them all in a 9×13 dish. I put a whole bunch of mozzarella over the shells so it could melt into the crevices. You could add some bread crumbs on top if you need a crunch to the soft cheesiness. too

It is a perfect meal for a fun night! Yes, you could just make the sauce and a side of noodles, but this is way more fun! Again, it does take an extra effort, but it’s worth it! Grab a few extra hands and make it a fun family night.

Here’s the recipe!


  • 1 box of jumbo shells (12 oz)
  • 5 oz cream cheese
  • 5 tbsp butter
  • One small onion, diced
  • 4 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 tsp garlic powder
  • 1 tsp onion powder
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1/2 cup flour
  • 1 1/2 cup chicken broth
  • 1 1/2 cup goat milk *
  • 3 cup chicken, chopped (optional)*
  • 1/2 cup fresh parmesan cheese *
  • 1-2 cup chopped spinach (optional)


Start by boiling a pot of water for the jumbo shells and use the cooking time on the box 

Then oil a 9×13 dish, and set it aside. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees

In a pan, melt the butter and cream cheese together. Once mostly melted, add the onion and garlic, and cook for 2 minutes

Add the flour into the pan and whisk, cook for one minute, and add the seasoning

Add the chicken broth and milk, and whisk until it thickens. It will take a few minutes, just be patient. 

Add the parmesan cheese and spinach. If you don’t have fresh parmesan cheese, that’s fine. It will technically be a white sauce, but is still delicious! You could add the dry parmesan to the dish, but if you do, put it on top when everything is assembled. If you put it in the sauce, it will become grainy.

Now it’s time to assemble! Set up your station by having your noodles, sauce, and dish near each other.

Spoon about 1-2 tablespoons of the sauce into each jumbo noodle, then set it into a greased 9×13 dish

Once everything is filled that can fit, you may have some leftover noodles and sauce. You could either drizzle the extra sauce over the stuffed shells or use it with the extra noodles for another meal

Layer mozzarella cheese all over till everything is covered, add more if you love cheese. If you wish, add bread crumbs to the top to give a nice crunch.

Put the dish in the preheated oven for 15-20 minutes

Get a plateful of these delicious stuffed shells and enjoy!


  • I use goat milk, but feel free to use any kind. I used to use oat milk, but goat milk (or cow’s milk) will give a much creamier sauce.
  • If you want to add more protein to the meal, toss some chicken or ground beef in the sauce! I’ve used both, but I’ve found that chicken stays in the shells better.
  • You don’t need to have fresh parmesan, but it will give more flavor and a smoother sauce

~Becky 🙂




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Welcome to Becky’s Kitchen Corner! I am so happy to see that you are here today. My name is Rebekah, but around here I’m known as Becky. I love to be in the kitchen, cooking and baking up a storm. Though, I don’t like cleaning up the storm as much, ha!

I’m from Pittsburgh and now living in a much sunnier state of North Carolina. I am the youngest of 8 kids and so growing up, I had lots of people to eat up my baked goodies.

 In the daytime, I work as a nanny for my sister and brother-in-law to care for my adorable, silly nephew.

Read more –>  https://beckyskitchencorner.com/about-mee/



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