Easy and Delicious Cheddar Cauliflower Rice Patties

These cheesy cauliflower rice patties are bursting with flavor. They’re crispy all around, but not crunchy. You can either cook them in the oven or on the stove, both ways are super tasty!

When I first made these, they had a lot of potential. But it was super eggy and I really, don’t like eggy things. So, when I made them next, I added a whole bunch of other ingredients to combat that egginess. I tossed some bread crumbs in, more cheese, more cauliflower, and onions. This is the perfect recipe that is oh so delicious. 


1 egg

½ of a small onion, minced

2 cups cauliflower rice

1 cup shredded cheddar cheese

2 Tbsp mayonnaise

½ tsp salt

¼ tsp pepper

¼ tsp garlic powder

¼ tsp onion powder

¼ cup + 2 Tbsp All-purpose flour

¼ cup bread crumbs

Oil for the pan


To make the cauliflower rice, take a head of cauliflower, cut it up. Then, toss it in a food processor and grind it up till it resembles rice. Put in a bowl and set to the side. You will only need 2 cups for this recipe, so you can store the rest away in an airtight container

In a medium sized bowl, beat the egg until light and fluffy.

Add all of the other ingredients and mix until all combined.

Heat up some oil on a non-stick skillet on medium heat. Take about 1/2 Tbsp of the cauliflower rice mixture and put it on the heated pan. Slowly, spread it around, it’s relatively fragile when raw. Make sure you get them really thin, so they can crisp nicely. Don’t worry about them moving when cooking, they don’t spread or rise.

Cook one side for 5-8 minutes on low heat till crisp and golden brown, then repeat on the other side. 

Another way to cook the patties is in an oven at 400 degrees for 10-13 minutes

What’s the difference with cooking the patties on the stove vs. the oven?

Cooking on the stove will result in a more softer inside and crispy outside. It will also be quite a bit more oilier.

Cooking in the oven will result in a more crispy patty, it doesn’t really have a soft inside. This way, it also won’t have the extra oil. Both ways are delicious!

What do I prefer? When I don’t have as much time, I like to cook the ones using the oven. I toss them in and can go and do other things. But if I have more time, I will fry them, cause they are just a bit tastier that way.


  • If you want to add a little more nutrition to these, you can use 1 cup of broccoli and 1 cup of cauliflower
  • You can arrowroot instead of the AP flour
  • If you want them extra crispy, leave them for 15 minutes (they’ll be darker on the edges)
  • Use a silicone mat for the patties in the oven, super quick and easy clean up. Parchment paper will probably work too, but haven’t tested it.




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Welcome to Becky’s Kitchen Corner! I am so happy to see that you are here today. My name is Rebekah, but around here I’m known as Becky. I love to be in the kitchen, cooking and baking up a storm. Though, I don’t like cleaning up the storm as much, ha!

I’m from Pittsburgh and now living in a much sunnier state of North Carolina. I am the youngest of 8 kids and so growing up, I had lots of people to eat up my baked goodies.

 In the daytime, I work as a nanny for my sister and brother-in-law to care for my adorable, silly nephew.

Read more –>  https://beckyskitchencorner.com/about-mee/



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