Spring is here! You know that question, “what is your favorite season”? Most people can’t decide, and I am also one of those people. But each year, I’m liking spring more and more. It’s when new things are springing into life and are waking up from the winter air. Another plus about spring is that when it’s ending, it’s not turning frigidly cold, but continues to warm up! I’m definitely a “warm weather” person and I love it!

So, here are some of my favorites things about spring. Let me know what some of yours are!
A time to reflect on life
A lot of people do this in January with the new year. I look back on the year and set new goals, but I don’t really reflect on life. I see the changes and relive them for a moment. But after such a busy season it’s exhausting. So, I like to do it in the spring when it’s refreshing! Things starting to bud into flowers, the breeze blowing across the streets, and watching the little chicks chirp for their mamas. Spring is an inspirational time to write and reflect on life.

Flowers and Gardening
Growing up I’ve enjoyed planting a few flower seeds and watching them grow. But after that, I never maintained them or pulled them up when they were all dried. We always had a garden with strawberries, raspberries, beans, and a few other plants. This year, I bought my first plants! Heritage Red Raspberries and so far they’re surviving. I did plant them in pots this year because our backyard soil is all clay. One of my plants even has leaves now and it makes me so happy!

Flowers are another thing I love in spring. Irises and Hyacinths with their purple color and sweet smell, apple blossoms, and really anything else. I want to plant some flowers out front, but it gets no sun, so I need to research it a bit.
Someday, I will have a huge garden with tons of berries and lots of bush beans, root vegetables, and maybe some pumpkins! Just taking it slowly with two little happy raspberry plants.
What are some of your favorite flowers or things to plant?
Walking down the street with the blossoming trees and the soft wind blowing is so refreshing. To get fresh air in your lungs but also to get out and walk is great for the soul. I take daily walks with my nephew, stop by the park, and maybe do some running too. I go without my phone most days to disconnect from that part of the world which also makes these walks so refreshing. I highly encourage you to take 15 minutes out of your day and take a walk!

Spring treats
There aren’t that many spring-themed foods or treats I make like around winter or fall. But there is one specific one that we have almost every year! For Easter, my mom has made a trifle with lots of fruit and cream for quite a few years! It’s so light and fluffy, and that’s exactly what you need after a heavier meal! I can’t wait to have it this year!
The other spring treat I liked to make was the strawberry dome cheesecake! I did it 3 or 4 years in a row. Cheesecake in general is delicious, but there’s something about it being a dome shape that makes it more fun! I have a post all about it here!
Springtime also brings lots of fruit, so I like to make lots of muffins with it all!

Easter is becoming one of my favorite holidays. Growing up, my church did an Easter social and it was so fun! A bunch of people would make different foods and we’d gather around and talk. It was a great time of fellowship!
Easter is a special time and each year I’ve loved it more and more, it’s a time to celebrate!

We have a family dinner together and is always delicious! Sometimes I’ll do a small Easter egg hunt for my nephews and niece too. Overall, it’s just a delightful and thankful time!
What do you like to do for Easter?
That’s all, fill the comments with your favorites things about spring!
~Becky 🙂
The weather and Easter are my favorite parts of spring! 🙂
Yes, totally agree! 🙂